Wednesday, January 16, 2008

(Om-pah-pah Om-pah-pah) that's how it goes

Those twenty-four hours were so mind-boggling. When I pulled that second silver hershey kiss out of that "Bag o fate" I was surprised and upset - but in a boisterous kind of way until the realization hit me. And it hit me hard. After that I tried to think of sooooo many different scenarios and asked myself sooooo many questions....Should I pay attention or should i just sit back and take the zero without any effort? should I even come to class? what if I tried to bribe her into at least letting me take the test - even for half credit?

I kept going back and forth between all of these and more so I sat back and relaxed for thirty seconds then came back and tried to write down some notes virgorously so just maybe i could someone gain extra points on anything at all. When I wasn't doing that, I calculated what grades i could get and still pass with that zero looming over my head.

Fate and free will seemed to play such a huge role in Oedipus Rex to me. I went to a scholarship information session and guess what they had....silver hershey kisses. Thanks fate, way to shove it in my face....

or was it my own choice? was it my own free will to sit down and pick those hersheys out of the bag? Could I have prevented this or was I doomed for this to happen at birth? Please. Eventually you have to realize that's how it goes. Sometimes good sometimes bad. I still believe in free will as before but now I'm less adament about that position, and I must say that those hours between picking that second hershey kiss and being told that test wouldnt count as a zero were one of the most stressful, regretful , frantic, back-and-forth times in my life not knowing if i could escape or if i were doomed......just imagine poor Oedipus.

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